战斗的老虎呜...Pep乐队 [aka FTGPB - pronounced fuh-tee-guh-buh] has become one of the - if not the - premiere small college instrumental organizations in the country. 多年来, and due to the selfless commitment of many, 许多乐队学者, our much-beloved FTGPB has become the absolute focal point of excellence, excitement and enthusiasm for Georgetown College, and these days - no major campus-event is complete without an appearance of this extraordinary ensemble.

Performing annually for well-over 250,000 people in live venues and enjoying great regional and national television coverage, the FTGPB has defined and refined the "pep band experience". Membership ranges from forty-five (45) to fifty-five (55) members annually [depending upon instrumentation] with the official "Travel Roster" permanently set at twenty-five (25) playing members and five (alternates) [as well as other "permanent" members of our 叽阿...远足及旅行团].

The FTGPB is indeed the "cash cow" for our Tiger Bands, and the style and operations of the 斗虎呜...Pep乐队 are the envy of all - and much copied by many.

Membership is open to any full-time student at Georgetown College who is an exemplar of the "Five-Fold Band Tenets" and admittance is based upon a successful audition, interview and/or permission of the Director of Bands.


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